Well today I got lucky and some stuff arrived today. I finally got in my Ubiquiti AP AC Pro and EdgeRouter X. I am really excited to try them out. I’m debating on whether or not the edgerouter X will replace my pfsense box or not. I may end up adding it inline ahead of my pfsense box, or using it for my DMZ. I am really attracted to the idea of saving power by turning off my server though.
The Ubiquiti AP (UAP-AC-PRO-US) is plugged in already, I’ll do a more thorough write up and review on it later, but I’m still tinkering with it. Initial thoughts though are that it looks nice, the interface seems pretty cool. I currently am tinkering with setting up the isolated guest wifi network and using vouchers for authorizing time. It’s pretty cool.
More to follow later!
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