It Starts…

It Starts

Woo, my first entry in the rebirth of TechKnowNerd.Com… I better not screw it up, or say anything dumb… oh wait, I just did.

So, after years of neglect, and allowing the original TechKnowNerd.Com to become so outdated that it was left vulnerable and infected (relax, this is a completely new server and install), I’ve finally come around to rebooting this site to document all of the fun I have while learning and experimenting with all things Tech.

This site is not really dedicated into any single domain, because my interests tend to wander.  I am currently working on my CCNA, CISSP, MCSE, and master’s degree, so we’ll get into a lot of Cisco, security, and Microsoft stuff, but I also tend to play around with virtualization, video games, open source…. you’re probably starting to get the picture, the rabbit hole of IT is deep.

I’m by no means an expert in anything, so fair warning, I try my best to do everything following best practices, but sometimes, you just have to make stuff work to get the job done.  I am in the Army, my main goal in life is always to accomplish the mission, even if that is just to improve my wifi performance throughout the house.

Quick list of my current projects that I plan on documenting on here.

  • Building my own, cheap/custom 20U server rack
  • Building my own CCNA lab (so far I’ve got 2x 3560G, 2x 2821)
  • Optimizing my in-home wifi (currently using a Netgate R8000, but have a Ubiquiti AP enroute from Amazon)
  • Redoing my live in-home network (currently made up of dumb switches, a pfsense box and the R8000 listed above)
  • Experimenting with different virtualization hypervisors in the homelab
  • Experimenting with windows server 2016 in the homelab

I’m sure there’s more, but thats good enough for midnight on a Saturday.

I doubt anyone is ever going to read this anyways, but if you did, thanks!  Here’s hoping TechKnowNerd’s Rebirth goes well.



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